How Long Does Daiya Cheese Last Unopened? [You Should Know!]

Daiya cheese has become a popular dairy-free alternative among vegans, lactose-intolerant individuals, and health-conscious consumers. Its creamy texture and delicious taste have quickly gained a loyal following in plant-based cheeses.

However, as with any food product, questions arise about its shelf life and storage.  With any perishable food item, it’s important to know how long it can last to ensure its freshness and safety.

Knowing the shelf life of unopened Daiya cheese can help you plan your grocery shopping and avoid wasting food. Whether you’re a Daiya cheese aficionado or just curious, let’s explore how long you can expect this dairy-free cheese to stay fresh and delicious before consuming it.

How Long Does Daiya Cheese Last Unopened

Is Daiya Vegan?

Yes, of course! This is one ingredient in our recipe guides that you can rest assured is 100% vegan food and cruelty-free – it’s even on the Food Standards Agency’s Vegan Free Meal Plan. There are so many delicious flavors to explore when it comes to food.

 Daiya is a popular brand specializing in dairy-free and plant-based alternatives to cheese and other dairy products. Their products come from plant-based ingredients such as tapioca starch, coconut oil, and pea protein, suitable for vegans and those with lactose intolerance.

Daiya products are familiar for their ability to melt and stretch like traditional dairy-based cheese, making them popular for individuals seeking vegan cheese options.

Is Daiya Cheese Bad?

Is Daiya Cheese Bad

No! Dairy allergies are a growing problem in today’s modern food system. While moldy cheese is an absolute no-no, there are methods of cheese-making. This will ensure all ingredients – including milk and lactose – stay completely safe to consume.

People commonly use cream cheese, a versatile dairy product, in savory and sweet dishes. Whether or not Daiya Cheese is “bad” is subjective and depends on individual tastes and dietary preferences. Daiya Cheese is a brand that offers vegan and dairy-free alternatives to traditional cheese products.

Some people may find the taste and texture of Daiya Cheese to be different from regular cheese, which could affect their opinion of it. However, for those who are lactose intolerant, have dairy allergies, or follow a vegan or plant-based diet, Daiya Cheese can be a valuable and enjoyable option.

It provides an alternative that allows them to still enjoy the taste and texture of cheese without using animal products. Ultimately, the opinion on whether Daiya Cheese is “bad” will vary from person to person based on their specific dietary needs and personal preferences.

What Is The Shelf Life Of Daiya When Not Opened?

Since textured plant-based protein makes Daiya cheese, its shelf life will not be as long as in its original packaging. However, such a degradation process will occur once unpacked and exposed to open air.

The shelf life of unopened Daiya is typically 6-8 months. This means that if you left unopened and stored the package properly, it can remain fresh and safe to consume for up to 6-8 months from the date of purchase. However, it is important to check the expiration date on the package before consuming, as this may vary depending on the specific product and brand.

It is also worth noting that the shelf life can be influenced by factors such as storage conditions, such as temperature and humidity, so storing the Daiya product in a cool and dry place to maintain its quality for as long as possible.

Daiya and cheese do not always have very similar textures. Although the cheese will fade over time, you can use your blender blade to re-introduce some nutrients. Shredded cheeses are versatile ingredients that can enhance the flavor of various dishes.

Factors That Affect The Shelf Life Of Unopened Daiya Cheese

Factors That Affect The Shelf Life Of Unopened Daiya Cheese

It is very important to know how long Daiya cheese last unopened. The shelf life of Daiya cheese depends on several factors. Oxygen is the main one, with unopened/unbroken cheese staying fresh for about 6 months if stored away from heat, light, and pests.

Prolonged exposure to sunlight can lead to mold growth. Removing the original packaging or allowing air and light access will speed up deterioration. Wax paper wrappers may contain chemicals like sodium metabisulfite.

The cheesy flavor of Daiya cheese adds a delicious twist to any dish. The “best before” date is relative, as sealed cheese can still be kept in decent condition after opening, but you may not fully preserve its quality. Keep Refrigerated foods below 5°C. Warnings:

A.Storage Temperature And Conditions


The storage temperature and conditions play a crucial role in determining the shelf life of unopened Daiya Cheese. It is important to store it in a cool environment, ideally below 40°F (4°C), to maintain its freshness and quality.

When the cheese is exposed to high temperatures, it can cause the cheese to spoil more quickly. Additionally, if the cheese is not stored in a cool and dry place, it may become susceptible to moisture and mold growth, reducing its shelf life. It is important to store unopened Daiya Cheese in a cool and dry environment to ensure optimal freshness and longevity.

B.Packaging And Sealing Quality

Packaging And Sealing Quality

Packaging and sealing issues can negatively impact unopened Daiya Cheese’s shelf life. Improper packaging and sealing can result in air exposure, moisture entering the packaging, and potential contamination.

These factors can greatly decrease the cheese’s shelf life, causing it to spoil or deteriorate more quickly than anticipated. It is essential to ensure the packaging is tightly sealed and designed effectively to prevent external elements from affecting the cheese’s quality and longevity.

C.Ingredients And Additives Used

Several bad factors can hurt the shelf life of unopened Daiya Cheese. One of the main factors is the ingredients and additives used in the cheese production process. If low-quality or expired ingredients are used, it can significantly reduce the shelf life of the cheese.

Additionally, certain additives, such as preservatives or artificial flavors, can contribute to a shorter shelf life. It is essential to ensure that only high-quality ingredients and additives are used to maximize the longevity of unopened Daiya Cheese.

D.Production And Expiry Dates

Production And Expiry Dates

Several factors can affect the shelf life of unopened Daiya Cheese. The production date plays a role, as older cheese may have a shorter shelf life. The expiration date is also important, as consuming expired cheese can cause foodborne illnesses. Knowing these factors helps ensure the freshness and safety of unopened Daiya Cheese.

E.Exposure To Moisture And Air

The exposure of products to moisture and air can harm their quality, which is why packaging and sealing play a crucial role. Proper packaging ensures the products remain protected, preventing moisture or air from entering.

By maintaining high-quality packaging and effective sealing techniques, we can safeguard the products, prolong their shelf life, and maintain their freshness and integrity.

F.Cross-Contamination Risks

Cross-contamination risks can arise due to various factors, and one important aspect to consider is the quality of packaging and sealing. If the cheese comes into contact with other products containing allergens or bacteria, it can lead to spoilage or potential health hazards. It is crucial to properly handle and store the cheese to minimize these risks and ensure the longest possible shelf life.

Can I Use Daiya After Its Expiration Date Has Passed?

Can I Use Daiya After Its Expiration Date Has Passed

Using Daiya or any food product after its expiration date is not recommended. The manufacturer typically sets the expiration date to ensure the safety and quality of the product.

Consuming expired food can put you at risk of foodborne illnesses, such as food poisoning. It is best to adhere to the expiration date and properly dispose of any expired food to prioritize your health and well-being.

Like many other food products, Daiya cheese has a shelf life determined by the manufacturer. While it is common for some products to remain safe and edible beyond their expiration date, it is not advisable to do so with Daiya or any other food item.

The expiration date on a package of Daiya cheese indicates the point at which the manufacturer can no longer guarantee its safety and quality.

Does Any Other Food Go Bad Like This, Or Just Cheese?

Soft-ripened foods, including fruit and dairy products, often receive unfair criticism compared to shelf-stable options. However, it is important to consider that many ingredients and recipes are not meant to last for extended periods, and their quality can quickly deteriorate.

It is also worth noting that animal byproducts are materials or substances derived directly or indirectly, such as through processing, from animals. The recent increase in sales of dairy-based vegan soft cheeses online.

It has come to our attention that some of these products do not meet standards for pasteurization and proper storage practices, and there have been reports of problems with some of them.

Can I Use Daiya After Its Expiration Date Has Passed?

Can I Use Daiya After Its Expiration Date Has Passed

According to the United States Department of Agriculture, “Secondary Cells and Microorganisms” Should be discarded after 8 hours. Soft Rennet manufactured for cheese-making is active at room temperature for 1 year from the date stamped on the packaging or 2 years if kept in the refrigerator.

The weird smell from the refrigerator could be due to the expired leftovers. Some reputable taste-blind suppliers suggest keeping it in the fridge several times after opening. People know their distinctive blue mold veins as a type of cheese called blue cheese.

Does Daiya Cheese Freeze Well?

Does Daiya Cheese Freeze Well

Frozen products do not go moldy or become dirty. If you plan on freezing high water content products, we suggest you bring the product before filling. This will help kill off microbes and pathogens. Making homemade cheese in your own kitchen is easy and delicious.

It is recommended that firm cheeses like Daiya be allowed 10 minutes of resting time before being transferred into an airtight plastic container. In our experience, leaving the cheese at room temperature for three consecutive days has not resulted in any signs of rancidity or off aromas.


It is a matter of concern how long Daiya cheese lasts unopened. The shelf life of unopened Daiya cheese can vary depending on the storage conditions and the type of cheese.

However, as a general guideline, it is recommended to consume the cheese within 2-3 weeks of the date of purchase. Proper storage and handling can also help extend the shelf life of unopened Daiya cheese.

It is always important to check the expiration date and follow proper storage guidelines to ensure the best quality and taste of the cheese. Regular cheese is a staple in many households, known for its delicious taste and versatility. Plant-based foods have gained popularity recently due to their numerous health benefits and sustainable nature.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Long Does Daiya Cheese Last In The Fridge?

Daiya cheese typically lasts 7-10 days in the fridge after opening when stored properly in an airtight container or resealable bag. Before consuming, it is important to check for any signs of spoilage, such as black mold or an off smell.

Does Non-Dairy Cheese Expire?

Yes, non-dairy cheese does expire. Unlike dairy-based cheese, non-dairy cheese products have a shelf life and will eventually spoil if not consumed within a certain period.

Can I Freeze Daiya Cheese?

Yes, you can freeze Daiya cheese. Freezing can alter the texture slightly, but the difference may not be noticeable if you use it in cooked dishes like pizzas, casseroles, or pasta bakes.

What Does Daiya Cheese Consist Of?

Daiya cheese is a plant-based alternative to dairy cheese made primarily from tapioca starch, coconut oil, and pea protein. It does not contain animal products, making it suitable for vegans and those with dairy allergies or intolerances.

Is Daiya Cheese Tasty?

Daiya cheese’s taste is subjective and can vary from person to person. Some people find it a tasty alternative to dairy cheese, while others may not enjoy the flavor as much. It is best to try it for yourself to see if you personally find it tasty.

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